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Nourish Mi - Dried Purple Sea Moss - SHOP NOW!
Nourish Mi - Dried Purple Sea Moss - SHOP NOW!
Dried Sea Moss - Purple (50G)
Nourish Mi - Dried Purple Sea Moss - SHOP NOW!
Dried Sea Moss - Purple (50G)

Dried Sea Moss - Purple (50G)

Regular price £14.00
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100% Dried Wildcrafted Purple Sea Moss

Store in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight

Our Sea Moss is wildcrafted, carefully sourced from the Caribbean Island of St Lucia.


• Wash and rinse the Sea Moss thoroughly to remove sea salt and debris

• Soak the Sea Moss for 24 hours in a bowl with spring water and limes

• The Sea Moss will soften and expand. Blend in a food processor until a gel consistency is achieved. (Add more spring water if required)

• Store the gel in a sealed container 


Keep refrigerated


Consume within two weeks


Add 1-2 tablespoons of Sea Moss daily to your preferred meal or drink;

Teas | Smoothies | Soups | Cereal/porridge | Cake mixtures | Drinks | Sauces & Much More




Sea Moss is a superfood, and it contains 92 minerals of the 102 the body requires.

Some of these fantastic minerals are Iron, Calcium, Omega-3 Oil, Zinc, Chlorophyll, Potassium chloride, Magnesium, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and many more. 

Purple Sea Moss produces powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins which are believed to delay the ageing of the body's cells. Its gorgeous purple colour and potent taste come from these natural purple anthocyanins.


It is a perfect nourishment solution for healthy living, and why many people use it daily. 


Sea Moss is known for many nutritional benefits, some of those are;

• Supports a healthy heart

• Contributes to Long-lasting energy

• Improve Libido

• Promotes good digestion

• Great for post work out recovery

• Improves metabolism

• Supports healthy hair, skin and nails

• Helps to maintain a healthy weight

• Promotes a healthy thyroid function

• Supports a healthy immune system

• Great for muscle and joint recovery

As a gel, it can be used for beauty treatment and may be effective for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne



• The information on our website must not be interpreted as medical advice. 

• Our products must not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet.

• Please seek professional medical advice as required before using our products, especially while taking other medications, pregnant or breastfeeding. 

• Before using our products topically, please do a patch test for due diligence. Even organic ingredients can cause allergic reactions.