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Nourish Mi - Dried Gold Sea Moss - SHOP NOW!
Nourish Mi - Dried Gold Sea Moss - SHOP NOW!
Dried Sea Moss - Gold (50G)
Nourish Mi - Dried Gold Sea Moss - SHOP NOW!
Dried Sea Moss - Gold (50G)

Dried Sea Moss - Gold (50G)

Regular price £13.00
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100% Dried Wildcrafted Gold Sea Moss

Store in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight

Our Sea Moss is wildcrafted, carefully sourced from the Caribbean Island of St Lucia.


• Wash and rinse the Sea Moss thoroughly to remove sea salt and debris

• Soak the Sea Moss for 24 hours in a bowl with spring water and limes

• The Sea Moss will soften and expand. Blend in a food processor until a gel consistency is achieved. (Add more spring water if required)

• Store the gel in a sealed container 


Keep refrigerated


Consume within two weeks


Add 1-2 tablespoons of Sea Moss daily to your preferred meal or drink;

Teas | Smoothies | Soups | Cereal/porridge | Cake mixtures | Drinks | Sauces & Much More




Sea Moss is a superfood, and it contains 92 minerals of the 102 the body requires.

Some of these fantastic minerals are Iron, Calcium, Omega-3 Oil, Zinc, Chlorophyll, Potassium chloride, Magnesium, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and many more. 

It is a perfect nourishment solution for healthy living, and why many people use it daily. 


Sea Moss is known for many nutritional benefits, some of those are;

• Supports a healthy heart

• Contributes to Long-lasting energy

• Improve Libido

• Promotes good digestion

• Great for post work out recovery

• Improves metabolism

• Supports healthy hair, skin and nails

• Helps to maintain a healthy weight

• Promotes a healthy thyroid function

• Supports a healthy immune system

• Great for muscle and joint recovery

As a gel, it can be used for beauty treatment and may be effective for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne



• The information on our website must not be interpreted as medical advice. 

• Our products must not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet.

• Please seek professional medical advice as required before using our products, especially while taking other medications, pregnant or breastfeeding. 

• Before using our products topically, please do a patch test for due diligence. Even organic ingredients can cause allergic reactions.